Dinner Clubs

So simple this one! Instead of all cooking and heating our homes separately, sharing meals saves energy on heating and cooking while also building your street friendships and connections.

Around 13% of electricity in our homes is used for cooking – and we are often heating our living spaces at the same time. Imagine all the houses on your street using all this energy at the same time with everyone sitting separately in their own homes.


Sharing a meal with neighbours help save energy and reduces the need for heating. This can also be a great way of saving time for busy people and families with kids too. Could your street have a regular dinner sharing club? Once you’ve created your Transition Street group you will have a ready made group of neighbours who you could invite.

How to do it

  • Chat with a few of your neighbours to see who is up for trying the idea
  • Fix a date and host house
  • Find out about any dietary requirements
  • Get your ingredients together - you could encourage people to bring leftover items that need eating up, or other things to share (see the Ready Steady Cook tip)
  • Get cooking - maybe some could be chopping while others relax or look after any kids
  • Enjoy your food
  • Chat about what worked well and how you might do it again another time

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Dinner Clubs

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