‘Please note, we have relaunched the project in the Totnes area in 2022. If you are from elsewhere we are planning to roll it out more widely soon - please get in touch to find out more….’
Contact us and we can explain the process in more detail and send you the Transition Streets Starter Pack with simple materials to get you started.
Get in touchWithin the starter pack is a guide and flyer to help you recruit your neighbours. We have also written a guide 'Including Everybody' to support you to include everyone on your street.
DOWNLOAD THE PDFIn Totnes we facilitate the first session for you, help the group form, explain the project and explore with you and your neighbours how you could connect more and make your street a fantastic place to live.
We suggest you meet every couple of weeks to explore the five key topics of Energy, Food, Resource Use, Travel and Water. We provide a handbook of easy-to-read resources, conversation topics and practical activities to help you cut your bills and carbon footprint.
In the final session you reflect on what you have achieved and look forward to what your street could do together next...
Garden shares, dinner clubs, wildlife friendly verges, thermal imaging parties, car share schemes, street parties, sharing shelves, befriending projects, the possibilities are endless...
We can connect you up with other Transition Streets to share ideas and inspiration.
People who’ve tried it have found that it’s much easier to make the changes together- you keep each other going and enjoy the process much more. We’ll send someone who’s done it before along to the first meeting to help you all get started. If you find you really don’t enjoy it then you can leave at any time.
Six to eight households are ideal, but no more than 10 people.
Households who have taken part in Transition Streets have reported make changes which have saved them on average a third of their energy and water bills.
For more information call 01803 867 358 or email hello@transitionstreets.org.uk We can help put you in touch with others in your area who may be interested in joining a group and provide flyers to help you recruit others. Once a new group is formed we will provide materials for each household, and arrange for a facilitator to attend your first meeting to help get you started.